Easy Turnkey Starter Ecommerce Websites Designed To Earn YOU Money!
Hi, I'm known as Asmodeus on most major webmaster forums and I created SiteDonkey as an EASY way for you to earn some money online because all the heavy work is done for you!
So, here's the story: You have been lied to. The "gurus" who claim to be able to make you rich are just trying to sell you their crappy programs to make THEM rich, not you.
Have you ever noticed that they NEVER offer you anything "free" that doesn't involve trying to either get you to buy something eventually, or to get you to promote their
program to other "suckers" in hopes they will buy something. It's a vicious cycle that involves you making money for them by either buying into it yourself OR getting others into it.
I've been making money online for the past 15 years and I've seen it all, including every scam you can imagine, but something I read on the DigitalPoint forum finally made me want to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
People there were complaining about how they got scammed by a member offering an "Ultimate Ecommerce Dropshipping Store" package for $900 where the store was made & maintained for you.
It seemed pricey, but some people bought it and then complained that the seller wanted MORE to add products and that they didn't add things according to the owner's wishes or site niche. The seller made it so that the buyers would fail and then they lost the $900+.
In that thread I posted basically that $900 was a crazy amount to spend on a new site and that, to succeed, a person should learn how to do simple adds & edits themselves anyway....for FREE. Why pay someone else to do a simple change on YOUR own site?

On top of that I see more & more sites listed for sale in marketplaces like Flippa where the sellers are conning buyers with fake stats and the same duplicate content over & over again. Plus, they all use Wordpress which, despite what they might tell you, is NOT newbie friendly. It USED to be, yes, but now it's just 1000's of confusing files and bloated plugins that aren't needed, and with the latest version it's so complicated to do anything that there are complaints everywhere of people wanting to go back to the old version. Google it if you don't believe me.
For example, It took me 20 minutes just to figure out how to change a sentence on the homepage on my new WP blog, and I already have experience. How do you think a newbie would do with that? Need a simple information bar on the bottom of your site? Takes a 187 file plugin now.
So, I HATE the new Wordpress. It's bloated & It Sucks.
Dropshipping sucks as well, even though there are 1000's of so-called "Experts" on Youtube telling you how great it is and how easy it is to run. You simply add products to sell... NO inventory to stock and a low cost entry to the ecommerce world. Make $$$$ a day! It sounds super awesome, right? What they don't tell you is what a NIGHTMARE it actually is and that a whopping 98% FAIL to make anything at all!
So, out of every 100 people who start a store, only 2 will succeed in making anything...TWO!

It's a headache to run with constant problems related to shipping, tracking, returns, unreliable suppliers, poor quality products, etc, and the low entry bar means everyone is competing for those same buyers. Even the "successful" ones aren't making what they claim. The guru videos that dazzle you with big clickbaited numbers are only telling you half the story. Out of 100's of videos that I watched there was only ONE guy who was honest. He claimed to have made $1500 in sales in 5 days. It sounded great, until he broke the numbers down... approx $750 to actually buy & ship the products, $180 lost in refunds, $300 in marketing costs, $100 in site plugins, and the rest gone to fees, including the monthly Shopify store subscription.
So, out of $1500 in revenue he actually earned ZERO. And that's a success story! The person buying a $900 "made for you" site would have make several 1000's in sales JUST TO BREAK EVEN!
So, here is what I am personally offering to counter all that: I offer easy to operate turnkey websites based on a PROVEN "Dropservices" model that WILL generate income for YOU and at a low enough price that anyone can afford. Why dropservicing instead of dropshipping? Because there is NO physical inventory to buy, ship or track. You simply take the order and then hire a freelancer to do the work FOR YOU. You are the one who gets paid directly and the only real cost is the provider, so the profit margins are high and the costs are really low. You don't pay for the service until the client pays you, so you are NEVER out of pocket for anything...it's all PROFIT EVERY TIME!! No worrying about parcels getting lost in the mail and customers complaining!
It's a business model I've been doing for YEARS myself because it WORKS.
For just $79 you get:
A Pre-Built Turnkey Website
With a responsive design that is easy to edit & maintain & is ready to go!
See More FeaturesIncludes Everything You Need
Every total package includes the secured domain, all site files AND website hosting!
Read MorePlus Full Online Support
I will show you how to easily run the site AND make money from it 24/7!!
Learn More
So many people use mobile devices these days to surf the web that it is ESSENTIAL for any website to have a design that responds well to all screen sizes. All websites feature:
- Creative Themes
- Responsive Designs
- Easy to Use
- Intuitive Features
- Fits All Screen Sizes
All Turnkey Website Features
Designed With The Newbie In Mind
creative design
All the turnkey starter website themes and templates used are bright & colorfully designed.
Beginner Friendly
Never owned a website before? Easy to maintain with no need to hire anyone to fix an issue!
easy to use
All websites are easy to edit in NOTEPAD with no database or complicated software needed!
Free Updates
Any future website updates are included at NO EXTRA CHARGE...FOREVER!
Free Support
Get my personal help to get you started & to answer your questions 24/7
Ecommerce Ready
All websites are easily configured to accept payments from whatever processor you prefer (Paypal, Stripe, etc).
Complete Package
Includes an easy to remember .com domain, all files, hosting & SSL certificate.
No Coding Required
All sites are already optimized for mobile & cross-browser compatibility in HTML5
Turnkey Starter Website Gallery
Here are the sites currently for sale in 4 EVERGREEN niches that get sales year round: Explainer Vids, Logo Designs, Cartoon Portraits & Traffic Sales
More will be added over time so bookmark SiteDonkey to check back again.
NOTE: EVERY package includes a list of reliable suppliers, and traffic sites include back offices for creating campaigns & client stats panels.
You are given everything you need to succeed!!
Click any screenshot to see it live in a new window. I've made money with each niche & will personally teach you how to run your site and market it to make sales.
You can choose any site you want from the carousel above for the same low price and all the ones shown are currently active & available.
I remove all sold websites promptly and replace them with different ones, so there will always be at least 5-9 listed at any time.
Bonus way to make money: All site owners automatically become affiliates through the footer link back to SiteDonkey. So, if someone goes through your link
and makes a purchase, then you get $25 for doing nothing! Of course, you can also copy your link and share anywhere as an affiliate for even MORE $$$.

Simple Pricing
The basic package gives you everything you need to get started. NO hidden fees & NO extra costs...EVER!!
At SiteDonkey you pay ONCE and that's it. NO MONTHLY FEES!! So, even if you have a slow month, or want to take a vacation, there are never any payments to worry about, so you can relax and ENJOY your ecommerce experience instead of getting headaches.
ALL the websites are offered at the same low price & every package includes my personal guide explaining everything you need to know.
Basic Starter Website
Only $79 USD!
- Domain Included!
- Hosting Included!
- SSL Included!
- Full 24/7 Support
- Choose Any Website!
Website Booster Package
Only $99 USD
- EVERYTHING From Starter
- Plus Site Submission
- 5000 Traffic Hits
- Full 24/7 Support
- Choose Any Website!
Extra Boosted Package
Only $109 USD
- EVERYTHING From Booster
- Plus Site Backlink
- 10000 Traffic Hits
- Full 24/7 Support
- Choose Any Website!
Super Boosted Package
Only $119 USD
- 1000 Social Visits
- 15000 Traffic Hits
- Full 24/7 Support
- Choose Any Website!
After checkout please contact me with the name of the site you have chosen from those available in the gallery above.
You may choose ANY site you like for the same price listed from the chart.
Simply pick a package, click "Buy Now", and let us know what site you want & your specific site details will be sent to you. Easy!
Think about that for a minute. For just $79 you get EVERYTHING you need to succeed. The site, the niche, the domain, the hosting, mentorship...everything!
You don't pay anything more. There are NO hidden fees and no charging you extra for adding content. I will show you the EASY way to do it for FREE yourself.
It's just ONE page to edit. Not 10000 files to dig through...just 1. That's it. You can do it!
Simple Math: Basic hosting alone would normally cost $120 per year + $19 for the domain, so with the amount you SAVE it's like getting the site itself FREE!
Plus, with the automatic affiliate program your site pays for itself after just 3-4 referrals. How cool is that??
then I will send a 100% refund when you return the website & domain back to me within 30 days. Simple as that.
I sell sites based on what I know works. I won't build a shoe website, for example, because I don't know anything about shoes.
However, if YOU do then let me know your idea and I might be able to build a custom website for you. Contact below...
Have Questions? Fire Off A Message!
Made in Canada
as a source of income in these hard times, but even when those people fail (and 97-98% do), Shopify still gets paid.
Most people will give it 6 months to a year before giving up, yet they still have to pay that monthly fee, even if they've had ZERO sales.
Don't let that happen to you! If you buy a turnkey starter website at SiteDonkey you only pay $79 ONCE for EVERYTHING you need and you can always
sell the site for a profit later on if you decide it isn't right for you. And with my 100% money back guarantee you can't lose!!
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